New $967 Check Announced by Social Security – Know Eligibility & Payment Dates

To help Americans better manage rising costs, the SSA has announced a 2.5% Cost of Living Adjustment increase for 2025, which is designed to support millions of people, including seniors, retirees, those with disabilities, and low-income households who rely on Social Security programs like Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Income.

New $967 check announced by Social Security for eligible individuals in 2025 to help cover rising costs. This increase aims to support those facing higher expenses. The SSA wants to help beneficiaries maintain their purchasing power and keep up with inflation by raising monthly benefits.

New $967 Check Announced by Social Security

COLA adjustments are made regularly to help Social Security recipients afford the essentials during high inflation times. SSI and other Social Security recipients will receive larger monthly checks in 2025 as a result of the COLA increase.

Especially, SSI benefits will increase to $1,450 for eligible married couples and $967 for individuals. Millions of people will benefit financially from increases in other benefits, such as retirement, survivor, and disability payments. For low-income people and seniors to manage everyday costs, these SSA COLA 2025 adjustments are essential.

$967 Social Security Checks Overview

Organization NameSocial Security Administration
Name of ProgramSupplemental Security Income (SSI)
Amount$967 for individuals
Payment DateEarly November 2024
COLA 20252.5% Increase
CategoryGovernment Aid
Official Website

2025 COLA Increase

The 2.5% increase in COLA for 2025 is part of the SSA’s response to ongoing inflation. In order to make sure that Social Security benefits indicate the current cost of living, COLA adjustments have been based on the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) since the 1970s.

This change is necessary to avoid the potential slow decline in purchasing power that would otherwise happen as prices increase. The SSA helps with protecting the financial security of seniors and other recipients of Social Security benefits by increasing benefits.

New SSI Payments for 2025

In 2025, SSI beneficiaries will receive higher monthly benefits due to the COLA adjustment. Eligible married couples are eligible for up to $1,450 per month, while individuals will receive up to $967 check. Essential persons, those who provide necessary care, will see their payments increase from $472 to $483.

For individuals and families who rely on SSI to pay for their essential living expenses, these changes are significant. The first checks indicating this increase are set to be distributed in early November, with other payments following a regular pattern.

Changes for Retirement, Survivor, and Disability Benefits

Disability, survivor, and retirement benefits are also impacted by the COLA increase. For example, the monthly benefit for retirees at age 70 in 2025 will increase by $122, from $4,873 to $4,995. Beneficiaries, especially those with little savings, can better manage daily expenses with this additional amount.

Additionally, adjustments will be made to disability and survivor benefits, providing support to a wide range of beneficiaries. These increases are essential to make sure the financial well being of retirees, people with disabilities, and survivors who rely on Social Security.

COLA Adjustments and Program Limits

The COLA adjustment will impact other program limits, including the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) limit, which allows individuals with disabilities to earn more money while still receiving benefits, in addition to direct payment increases.

Retirement BenefitsSocial Security Checks2.5% COLA IncreaseExtra Income
On Average$1,900$1,948$48
Age 62$2,710$2,778$68
Age 67$3,822$3,918$96
Age 70$4,873$4,995$122

In order to help more households qualify for support, SSI’s asset and resource limits will also be adjusted. By regularly adjusting these financial criteria, the SSA makes sure that Social Security programs remain helpful in preventing poverty among those who depend on them.

Survivor BenefitsSocial Security Checks2.5% COLA IncreaseExtra Income
On Average$1,505$1,543$38
2 Children$3,653$3,744$91

A vital tool for maintaining Social Security benefits in line with current living expenses is the COLA adjustment.

Disability BenefitsSocial Security Checks2.5% COLA IncreaseExtra Income
On Average$1,537$1,575$38
Blind Recipients$2,590$2,655$65
Maximum Payment$3,822$3,918$96


What is the 2025 COLA increase for Social Security?

The 2025 Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) is a 2.5% increase to help beneficiaries keep up with rising costs.

How much will SSI recipients get in 2025?

Individuals will get up to $967, and married couples will receive up to $1,450 per month.

Who will benefit from the COLA increase?

Millions of people, including seniors, retirees, individuals with disabilities, and low-income households, will benefit.

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